Board and Working Groups

The Board

The board is responsible for the associations’ operation under the lead of the chairman. This includes f.ex. making decisions regarding associations’ financial issues, investments and strategy. The boards’ decisions have also a significant impact to national decision made by Suomen Ekonomit.

Heli Törrönen, Chairperson

CX Director, Edenred Finland
050 62 303

Lauri Härkönen, 1st Vice Chairperson

Business Controller, iLOQ Oy
050 432 9389

Minna Pohjola, 2nd Vice Chairperson

Human Resources and Communication Manager, Taitotalo
045 871 9220


Olli Happonen

B.Sc. (Econ.), LL.M. (trained on the bench), Retired
045 805 0505


Heidi Hentula

Strategist / Entrepreneur

Marjo Hinkkala

M.Sc. (Econ.)
040 588 2568


Anu Mattsson

VP, Sales Development, Strategy, and Marketing, Metso Finland Oy

Laura Myllykoski

Partner, CEO, Trickle Oy


Miia Oulasvirta

Chief Legal Counsel, Eduhouse Oy


Liisa-Johanna Pesonen

Head of Employee Representatives, Fujitsu Finland Oy
045 7880 9947

In addition to the board members, a representative of KY ry and a Suomen Ekonomit student liaison person participate to the board meetings to present the students’ point of views.

Working Groups

There are multiple working groups under the supervision of the board of Helsingin Ekonomit. New members are recruited annually to the groups.

Scholaships and Stipends Working Group

The group is responsible for setting up a proposition of the scholarships and stipends that are annually granted to the members and the students.

Chairperson: Marjo Hinkkala

Ekonomi Summit Working Group

The group’s task is to plan and execute the yearly Ekonomi Summit seminar, which brings together the Finnish Business Graduates and students.

Chairperson: Liisa-Johanna Pesonen

HEKO-HEKO Hupipäivä Working Group

The group’s task is to plan and execute an event for members of Helsingin Ekonomit. In 2023 the event was in co-operation with Sirkus Finlandia and in 2022 in co-operation with Linnanmäki.

Chairperson: Miia Oulasvirta

Economy and Finance Working Group

Chairperson: Heli Törrönen

Future Working Group

The group’s task is to develop Helsingin Ekonomit’s functions to better meet the needs of the members now and in the future.
The assignment includes f.ex. developing Helsingin Ekonomit’s marketing, communication and brand. One of the assignments is to develop the way the committees work.

Chairperson: Lauri Härkönen

Other organs

The members of Helsingin Ekonomit influence also in the board, working groups and networks of Suomen Ekonomit. Read more here.