
The volunteers’ work makes Helsingin Ekonomit’s operation possible. Annually, there are about 150 volunteers, most of them working in the committees, which are responsible for planning and executing the events.

All the members of Helsingin Ekonomit are welcome to participate to all the events organized by the committees. New members are recruited to the committees every year.

Business Partners Committee is a network for business school graduates and students working with corporate strategies and competence development.
The committee organizes events for sustaining and developing professional competence with a goal to strengthen the members’ competence of business know how and to present fresh point of views for members to utilize.

Contact: [email protected]





ICT Professionals Committee’s purpose is to maintain and develop the members’ professional know-how and to pass on current information of IT-business. The committee creates possibilities for networking, sharing experiences and discussing current issues. The committee also arranges company visits,  seminars and discussion events.

Contact: [email protected]





Women in Business Committee’s purpose is to act as a link between its members by arranging events, where the members can network and relax as a counterbalance for work.  The events’ purpose is also to help and support members to develop themselves professionally, personally and culturally.

Contact: [email protected]






Entrepreneurs Committee’s purpose is to promote entrepreneurship, enhance the members’ professional skills, act as a forum for sharing experiences and arrange possibilities for networking. The committee arranges versatile events about entrepreneurship and developing know how about once a month.

Contact: [email protected]





English Business Network Committee operates entirely in English and its goal is to organize events and networking opportunities for business school graduates and students.

Contact: [email protected]






Wellbeing Committee’s objective is to maintain and improve the members’ physical and mental health.  The committee arranges physical education indoors and outdoors as well as lectures and visits related to exercise and healthy lifestyle.

Contact: [email protected]





Public Administration Professionals Committee brings together the members that work in public administration. The committee spreads information of public administration’s functions to all the members and it offers possibilities to professional and cultural development. The committee arranges f.ex. lectures, education, company visits, study trips and possibilities to participate to cultural events.

Contact: [email protected]





Third Sector Professionals Committee’s purpose is to function as a bond between members working in different  associations and the members of those associations. The goal is to increase information about associations as well as professional and other skills. The committee organizes discussions, lectures, educational events, company visits, study trips as well as cultural and recreational events.

Contact: [email protected]





International Business Committee The purpose of the committee is to act as a high level discussion forum in international business and economy. The committee arranges lectures and discussion forums, company visits and study trips.

Contact: [email protected]





Board Professionals Committee’s purpose is to arrange meetings and events to former active members of Helsingin Ekonomit and Suomen Ekonomit. The committee’s events are open to all members of Helsingin Ekonomit as well as the student members of Suomen Ekonomit.

Contact: [email protected]





Culture Committee

Culture Committee aims to provide life-enriching experiences for business graduates by combining culture and business life. Culture Committee organises culture-related company visits, events supporting professional development and networking events. We want to hear the thoughts and ideas from the professionals behind the scenes and make them accessible to our members.

Contact: [email protected]





Marketing Professionals Committee’s purpose is to develop tradecraft in marketing, to act as a discussion forum regarding marketing issues and bring together marketers working in different fields. The committee follows marketing trends and development and strives to progress the importance on strategic marketing.
For professional development we arrange versatile, up-to-date and interesting events and education to members and students.

Contact: [email protected]





Sales Professionals Committee

Contact: [email protected]





Young Business Professionals Committee’s purpose is to bring together young and young-minded business school graduates living in Helsinki and its’ neighbouring areas. The focus is to arrange activities that intrests specially members who are in the beginning of their careers.
The aim is also to offer new business school graduates an easy way to join the activities of Helsingin Ekonomit.

Contact: [email protected]

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Daytime Committee’s purpose is to arrange events during the daytime. The committee works specially as a contact forum for members who are not in working life and it enhances the members’ mental and physical wellbeing and adjusting to challenges in changing situations. The committee arranges company visits, lectures, discussions and recreational events.

Contact: [email protected]





Business and Finance Leaders Committee

Contact: [email protected]





Changemakers Committee’s purpose is to increase Helsingin Ekonomit’s members knowledge of individual and communal promotion of interests. The committee strives to support Finnish Business Schools Graduates knowledge of individual and communal promotion of interests as well as the work for developing the rules of working life. The committee acts also as a network and information channel for members working f.ex. as workplace trustees or labout market liaisons.

Contact: [email protected]





Sustainability Professionals Committee’s goal is to bring together business school graduates working with sustainability issues and offer all the members current information of the branches’ trends. The committee emphasizes that business school graduates have excellent capability to develop sustainability and that this kind of capability is needed in the future, too.

Contact: [email protected]





Communications Professionals Committee’s purpose is to act as a network for members working in the field of communication and to promote the importance of communication. We strive to make the profession of communication known to the community of business school graduates as well as other stakeholders and offer possibilities for professional development and networking to the committee members.

Contact: [email protected]


